Covenant - Flag

Captured! Spirit & Truth Red flags 10.15.14.JPG
Sheild of God! Spirit & Truth Red Flags 10.11.14.JPG
Forever We Love You! Spirit & Truth Red Flags 10.11.14.JPG
The Fire ! Spirit & Truth Red Flags 10.15.14.JPG
Covenant-Flags. Red lame. Spirit &  Truth Line. 12.15.16.jpg
Captured! Spirit & Truth Red flags 10.15.14.JPG
Sheild of God! Spirit & Truth Red Flags 10.11.14.JPG
Forever We Love You! Spirit & Truth Red Flags 10.11.14.JPG
The Fire ! Spirit & Truth Red Flags 10.15.14.JPG
Covenant-Flags. Red lame. Spirit &  Truth Line. 12.15.16.jpg

Covenant - Flag

from $30.00

~Covenant Flag ~ Lame

~Rectangle top part & Semi-Circle bottom part~

“I will show wonders in the Heavens above & signs on the earth below ~blood & fire & billows of smoke! The sun will be turned to darkness & the moon to blood before the coming of the Great & Glorious day of the Lord! And everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be Saved”! {Acts 2:19-21}

Release waves of the spirit of God stirring the atmosphere with the colors of deep rich ~Reds ~meaning (Blood of the Lamb, Life, War, Love, Cross)of the ~ Covenant~ flags as you enter into the Holy of Holies, Hide away in His Presence!


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Use the~ Covenant ~ flags in times of worship, ushering in His Presence and entering into the Holy of Holies!

Flags Overview:

Deliveries are in 3-5 days. Allow 3-4 weeks for specialty colors and custom made items. Thank you!

The Flags (cloth) are made of tissue lame ~ a lightweight, flowing & semitransparent material. The flags are attached to Standards (shafts) by secured spin tubes, creating an expressive, powerful & anointed flow for worship! The Standards are 33 “or 36” in length with a 3/8” diameter, perfect for any sized hand! The flags are made in 2 sizes for adults .The sizes are made versatile for any sized space or sanctuary. 

The words: Banner, Flag and Standard are interchangeable throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament One of the names of God is "Jehovah Nissi" which means “The Lord our Banner" {Exodus 17:15}. The biblical meanings of the flags are basic. In our context, the flag means to gleam or glisten from afar! The flag is a testimony, a visible sign between Heaven & earth!

Behold! Lift the Flag; lift up the Glistening Light of Jesus Christ!