Wall of Fire - Flag
Wall of Fire - Flag
(Patterns may vary~ colors same)
“And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will be its Glory within!” (Zechariah 2:5)
Cover the sanctuary in the fiery colors of gold (glory) Red (fire) & Copper (clarion call to arms) of the ~Wall of Fire~ flags as you line the aisles & sanctuary with the fire of God! Jesus! You are the wall of fire around all we do & You are within us !
Adorn the sanctuary with the ~Wall of Fire~ flags in times of praise & worship, intercession, pageantry & processionals and expressive worship.
The Flags (cloth) are made of tissue lame, a lightweight, flowing & semitransparent material. The flags are attached to Standards (shafts) by secured spin tubes, creating an expressive, powerful & anointed flow for worship! The Standards are 33 “or 36” in length with a 3/8” diameter, perfect for any sized hand! The flags are made in 2 sizes for adults .The sizes are made versatile for any sized space or sanctuary.
The words: Banner, Flag and Standard are interchangeable throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament, one of the names of God is "Jehovah Nissi" which means “The Lord our Banner" {Exodus 17:15}. The biblical meanings of the flags are basic. In our context, the flag means to gleam or glisten from afar! The flag is a testimony, a visible sign between Heaven & earth!